Korrigan (Secrets Of The Fae #1) By Rebecca F. Kenney KU


A girl at night, a caged monster during the day. Aislinn has lived in darkness as long as she can remember. She is Korrigan— and only by Life-Stealing can she keep her human shape from dawn to dusk. When she finally steps into the sunlight, the first person she sees is Zane. He’s everything she wants— handsome, sweet, and normal.
But an encounter with the Far Darrig, the malevolent trickster of Old Irish myth, changes Aislinn’s future. He opens a new realm of possibilities that are anything but normal— and with them, brings dreams and desires as dangerous as he is.
Above all, Aislinn craves choice— the right to decide her own path. But what if gaining power for herself means giving up something much more precious?


     Wow! I finished this book in one day.  I am hooked and can’t wait to read the next book in this series. So this young adult book focuses on Aislinn, who is a 17-year-old girl who lives with five shady, uncaring guardians. All of the Korrigan are cursed, forced to pay a price, in order to go out in the day. I won’t spoil that part, since that will ruin some of the book. But let me just say, the curse on the Korrigan is truly horrible.  So, once Aislinn is able to walk around in the day, she meets Zane, a handsome guy who is sweet, kind, and good. Of course her guardians aren’t thrilled with her making friends with humans. In fact, most of the women that Aislinn lives with, treats her like she is a bother. She is often times controlled and ridiculed.  Aislinn also has nasty nightmares and is being harassed by the fae. When you find out the real reason why Aislinn and her guardians were cursed, you’ll be shocked. There is sort of a confusing love triangle that goes on. I like how it’s resolved in the first book. Aislinn also has to decide if she will walk down the path of good or evil. I would recommend this to anyone that enjoys an all-consuming paranormal romance about the fae.

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